84” x 48”, Acrylic. A Great Chef, Chef’s Hat, Leafy Greens, Knife, Three Michelin Stars, Table, Grapes, Pan with Sauces, Cookbook, Colander, Spoon. Sold.

94” x 46”, Acrylic and Wax Stick. Sold.
I think after all of those years of fighting on Pablo’s canvases these bulls deserve a rest. Note the bulls on the hill in the upper left. The real story is of an investor in Social Media who is doing quite well. He is the large bull on the bottom right. Two Peonies in the painting symbolize wealth and prosperity. The Instagram symbols for like, comment, and forward/send are also found left, center, right. A cat, center top, sits in wonder and astonishment.

96” x 62” x 1.5”, Acrylic, Based on the famous lake Como in Italy. Shown are a Cadenazza boat, trees and architecture seen from the shore, spaghetti, farfalle, gelato, missoltini with polenta, sail boat, an outline of Lago di Como, and of course the Italian flag.
Not for sale

96” x 62” x 1.5”, Acrylic, The beach beckons with the lighthouse in the distance, the wind rustling through the sea grass and broken fence, a whale breaches off the shore, a buoy bobs, from under the shade of an umbrella views of dunes, shells, and gentle lapping waves.

48” x 60”H, Acrylic. “Her Favorite Things”, the Eiffel Tower, French Fries, Dior, the Design of the Quatrefoil, the garden of Versailles. Sold.

84” x 48”, Acrylic. Showing an aerial view of the main beach of Ibiza, fish, fishing boat, beach umbrella, beach towel, a doorway from the streets, and waves. Sold

90” x 54”, Acrylic. This lovely painting sold before I was able to take it out of the studio !
Seaside shows a sunny day at the beach. Can you find:
Beach umbrella
Book on the sand
A Crab
Pine Tree
Waves crashing on the shore
A lighthouse
A broken fence on the beach
A heart symbolizing love found on a stroll
Sailboat with a full Gennaker
And finally a top view of a breakwater pier

96” x 54”, Acrylic and Texture Medium. Sold.
Please note the:
Child’s sketch pad
School Chalkboard
Christmas lights
Children’s Nightstand
School book
Window of classroom
Drawings of Tug Boat, Bird, House. Flower, Stuffed Toy, Fish and an Alien

"Her Favorite Things II" Sold
48" x 60", Acrylic and Water Soluble Crayon
with a Protective Satin UV Topcoat
The artwork is a piece of abstract art primarily rendered in shades of blue-grays, white, and light blue. The composition is a mix of geometric and organic shapes based on a particular designers favorite things ie champagne, sweets, Paris Architecture and Gardens and french fries, creating a sense of balanced complexity. Curved and linear elements intertwine and overlap, resulting in contours that suggest the "favorite things". The use of varying shades gives the piece depth and contrast, while the minimalist color palette adds a sense of calm and cohesion to the artwork.