La Joie est la Vérité (Sold)
96” x 60”, Oil, Acrylic, Wax Stick and Texture Medium. Available in a black metal floater frame. Sold.

La route de l'embarcadère (Room View )
The road to the pier, 60” x 60”
Acrylic and Texture Medium. Sold.

Élégance Minimale (Sold)
“Minimal Elegance”
52” x 74”, Acrylic with Texture Medium, Satin UV Topcoat

Jeu de Couleurs avec Le Rouge
Color Play with Red, 60” x 60”. Acrylic.
Available through Elliot Rowell Design at: https://www.elliottrowell.com/gallery

Manteau de Plusieurs Couleurs
( Coat of many Colors ), 60” x 60”, Acrylic, Oil Stick, Wax Crayon, Graphite and Charcoal. Sold.

Patchwork de la Vie (Life's Patchwork)
60” x 36” x .75”, Oil, Acrylic and Texture Medium on Canvas. Sold

Beautè âgèe (Aged Beauty)
Joy of Colors, 36” x 36” x .75”, Oil, Oil Stick and Texture Medium on Canvas. Sold.